
Keynote Speaker Artist Creativity Leadership Connection_Beth Inglish_22

Mural Interprets Trust As Core Value In Company

In any relationship, trust is essential if you expect it to grow. Trusting your family, friends, and colleagues, but most importantly trusting yourself. That was the case for Aaron Dorn, CEO of Nashville’s newest bank for creators, Studio Bank. When Aaron decided he wanted to start a bank, he was facing odds stacked against him. But he trusted his vision, leaned into

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Create Powerful Change With Creativity

Have you ever wanted to create change in your life, but didn’t know how to start? I know I’ve been there, which is why I’m so glad you’re here, because now we’re part of something much, much bigger. Most of us think about change, but in the mist of it happening it can be confusing, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar so we reject the

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