Vision is the light that guides us

Visionaries shape the world with their dreams and determination. Does that sound like you? 💫 It's not just about overcoming obstacles, but about having a clear vision that shows us the way to success. And it's so much easier to take action when you can see where you're going. Here are a few ways to connect to your vision: 💫 Notice your thoughts,

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Nashville Creativity Experience

Well-Being at Work: The Role of Embodiment in Fostering Team Engagement

In the fast-paced world of modern workplaces, fostering a strong sense of connection and engagement among team members is more crucial than ever. One powerful yet often overlooked tool in achieving this is the incorporation of embodiment practices into the work culture. What are Embodiment Practices? Embodiment practices involve bringing attention to the body, promoting mindfulness, and enhancing self-awareness. These practices go

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Beth Inglish_Studio Bank_Photo by John Partipilo

The Creative Way: Unlocking Consistent Joy and Professional Success

In a world filled with deadlines, responsibilities, and societal expectations, it's all too easy to lose sight of the simple joys. We often forget that happiness isn't an elusive dream but a state of being we can cultivate every day. The secret to unlocking consistent joy isn't found in conventional success; it's about learning to harness creative ideas to free yourself

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Beth Inglish Corporate Creativity Keynote Speaker 7

Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Shine on Stage with Confidence

Stepping onto the stage can be both thrilling and daunting. The spotlight, the eager audience, and the opportunity to share your knowledge—it's a powerful combination. But sometimes, just before you take that step, Imposter Syndrome can sneak in, making you doubt your worthiness. This common feeling, that you're not as qualified as others believe, can be a significant barrier. However, with

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Creativity Has Become The Most Important Skill For Success

Do you want to think outside the box, to generate new ideas and solve problems in innovative ways? That's being creative! It's the best, isn't it?! It's not just about being artistic or having a unique perspective, but it's a skill that can be developed and honed over time. In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving work environment, creativity has become the

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Nashville Creativity Experience

Simple Ways To Increase Your Creativity Using Awareness

Creativity is essential for problem-solving, innovation, and personal growth. However, I know from working with my clients that many people struggle to tap into their creative potential. That's why I love my job, because I know I can help. One effective way to increase creativity is by using awareness. Here are some simple ways to use awareness to enhance creativity. Take

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Breathe New Energy Into Your Life

Does your energy feel stuck or stale? Too much stress everyday can diminish your energy. If you want to feel good consistently we need a practice to usher in new growth. In my interview with Stephanie James from The Spark, we will uplift and inspire you to feel a surge of hope. You don't have to be alone in your emotions,

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Beth Inglish Artist Speaker Events Creative

100 Quotes That Will Inspire The Artist In You

These 100 quotes will definitely inspire the artist in you! We all need encouragement—it's what keeps us going and sometimes just the right words will propel us into action. So I asked the Nashville Creative Group, "If you could encourage another someone to make art today, what would you say?" Here's what they said: Don’t ever give up! Especially if your heart

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Beth Inglish Keynote Speaker Creativity Leadership Corporate Events 2

How The Creative Process Impacts Professional Change

The creative process is a wonderful model for change. You take an idea, turn it into something, and the process in between is discovering what you notice — that’s called awareness. The more awareness you have, the greater your chances are to create meaningful progress. And when awareness is absent of judgment, even better! That’s wisdom. Most of the time the creative

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Beth Inglish Artist Nashville Live Painting Abstract Art

10 Mindful Steps To Becoming Highly Creative

How would you like to become your best creative self? That seems to be what everyone in my community is looking for. It’s what I’m looking for. And I have an answer. Over the years I’ve created a process that works for me. It is unique to my needs and my life, so it may not work for everyone, but in my

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Manifest Abundant Creativity In One Simple Step

Seriously one step. It can be that simple. Imagine creativity to be like a muscle that requires exercise, but we're not doing squats or Sudoku, we're noticing, wondering and connecting to the world around us. Creativity is cultivated in environments where we can easily notice, wonder and connect to how our senses react in the moment. If you can find environments that inspire connection between your

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Keynote Speaker Artist Creativity Leadership Connection_Beth Inglish_22

Mural Interprets Trust As Core Value In Company

In any relationship, trust is essential if you expect it to grow. Trusting your family, friends, and colleagues, but most importantly trusting yourself. That was the case for Aaron Dorn, CEO of Nashville’s newest bank for creators, Studio Bank. When Aaron decided he wanted to start a bank, he was facing odds stacked against him. But he trusted his vision, leaned into

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Beth Inglish Creativity and the Role of the Leader Workshop

Creativity Inspires Leadership in Business

Leadership development today must include the development of creativity. The two go hand in hand. “The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective – people who know to see a problem as an opportunity." - Deepak Chopra People who can access their creativity are better problem solvers. In my workshop, "Creativity and the Role of

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Create Powerful Change With Creativity

Have you ever wanted to create change in your life, but didn’t know how to start? I know I’ve been there, which is why I’m so glad you’re here, because now we’re part of something much, much bigger. Most of us think about change, but in the mist of it happening it can be confusing, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar so we reject the

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